Reagan’s Roundup (5/8)

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Welcome to this week’s edition of Reagan’s Roundup!

Here are some links to fuel your journey toward being a more productive Christian.

Now, for what’s happening on the web:

How to Use Face ID on Your iPhone While Wearing a Mask

“‘Face ID is designed to work with your eyes, nose, and mouth visible,’ according to Apple. If you’re wearing a mask in the grocery store and other public places, that’s a problem. Here’s what you need to know about unlocking your iPhone with Face ID while wearing a mask.”

What Is Discernment?

“Most of us doubtless want to distance ourselves from what might be regarded as “the lunatic fringe” of contemporary Christianity. We are on our guard against being led astray by false teachers. But there is more to discernment than this. True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient.”

Walmart is piloting a pricier 2-hour Express grocery delivery service

“Record usage of grocery delivery services amid the COVID-19 pandemic has led to delayed orders, fewer open delivery windows and, on occasion, an inability to even book a delivery time slot. Walmart now hopes to capitalize on the increased demand for speedier delivery with the introduction of a new service that allows consumers to pay to get to the front of the line. The retailer confirmed today it’s launching a new Walmart Grocery service called ‘Express,’ which promises orders in two hours or less for an upcharge of $10 on top of the usual delivery fee.”

There Are No Hours or Days in Coronatime

“A ‘quarantine paradox,’ if you will, might apply the same logic. Days spent shut indoors might feel long but add up to very little in hindsight, making the months of repeat routines feel very short. Those who are on the frontlines of the crisis, meanwhile, may find their days moving at breakneck speed, but find each passing month longer than the last, as each memory stacks up against the next. Unmoored from the usual rhythms of our daily lives, time feels elastic, stretching infinitely ahead and then, without warning, snapping back.”

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